Avail Medicinal Cannabis Legally

In order to get medicinal cannabis legally in New Zealand, you need a doctors recommendation and a medical prescription. Mmjnz can offer you our medicinal marijuana, although not recognized by our authorities as yet, due to our legal system and out dated laws, we trust which will provide simple benefits. As time goes on and our laws are current with the rest of the world, which will have many more uses.

Medicinal marijuana


From the pharaoh’s tombs which we call the pyramids in Egypt to the steam baths of Scythians in ce...

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Get all the latest news and updates on ongoing researches being carried out, around the world, on medicinal cannabis. Get enlightened.

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Medicinal Usages

By each passing day more and more countries are legalizing the use of medicinal cannabis and the num...

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Get started with medicinal cannabis

We are a team of Herbal Therapists and producers of medicinal cannabis products whose main aim is to promote the benefits of medicinal cannabis and support the usage of medicinal cannabis as alternate medicine. We also provide eligible New Zealanders with Medicinal marijuana, which will enable them to acquire medicinal cannabis products.

Our affiliates & Sponsors. All our products have been donated by them

Latest News


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Cannabis Oil Dosing - How to Cure Cancer in 7 Years

Medicinal cannabis therapy is said to be dose dependent. That means the healing rate is dependent on the dose rate. The more cannabis in your blood the faster you will heal. The aim of medicinal cannabis therapy is to ingest cannabis oil orally and as much as your body can tolerate as often as you can tolerate it.

Full Course

Ingest 60ml in no more than 2-3 months. Ingesting it as often as possible until all the cancer is gone and then gradually finish the remaining oil to ensure cancer does not return. This takes about 2-3 months. The dose size depends on your body’s tolerance level and everyone is different. The average amount per dose to take is very small, about the size of a grain of rice.

First Dose

Half the size of a grain of rice. If your feel fine after two hours and can still walk around performing your usual duties eat more, this time increase the dose to the size of a grain of rice. Continue on like this, increasing your dose rate by half the size of a grain of rice, each consecutive dose, till you start to feel uncomfortable or get incredibly high or go to sleep. If that happens let it wear off completely. Next time take a slightly less than your last dose and this will be your perfect dose. Once you find the perfect amount for you, you’ve found your regular dose.

Dose Rates

Take your regular dose in the morning as soon as you wake up and once you feel it gone, it usually takes a couple of hours to wear off take another dose. Once again depending on your tolerance level you may have to wait until lunch time to take another dose but some people might be ready to take another dose at 10am. Keep taking regular doses all day, as required, up until bed time. Then at night take a last dose before you go to sleep. It's a good time to take a bigger dose than your regular dose.

For the first few days try to lock this routine down. As the first week passes your body tolerance level will rise just like people who smoke cannabis and you'll be able to ingest more and more of it at any given time with no negative side effects. That is because your body tolerance increases, so at this stage start to increase your regular dose amounts and/or times per day you administer the regular doses. Remember the aim to take as much as you can as often as you can. This is to ensure there's always action of shutdown happening in the cells that contain the cancer.

You must still be able to walk around and perform your usual duties as you don’t want to flood your system with too many cannabinoids because that will make you too sleepy. You need an efficient amount of cannabinoids binding to the CB receptor locations and releasing CB receptors so that an effective amount of cannabinoids is always binding to cancerous sites or areas of healing to get the maximum amount of PCD (Programmed Cell Death) possible at all times to turn off cancer. So you do this by taking as much as you can as often as you can till completely healed.

Maintenance Dose

A maintenance dose may be required for continued protection and as a preventative therapy. Mix any remaining cannabis oil with 95% ethanol, hemp seed oil or coconut oil to make tincture of cannabis. You should aim to consume 2ml to 4ml once or twice a day.

Remission for 7 Years

It takes seven years to replace every cell in your body, so after 7 years with no sign of cancer you win!

This post was originally published on marijuanaoil.com.au