Are There Any Tips or Considerations Regarding Safety with Marijuana?
While cannabis is thought to be safe, there are some preventative safety measures you can take to lower your side of adverse events.
Cannabis users may need to take some precautions because of the euphoric side effects that some marijuana products can elicit. Products containing THC can temporarily cause drowsiness, as well as impaired memory and reaction time. It’s therefore recommended that those using marijuana not operate machinery or drive a vehicle after consuming cannabis.
Marijuana consumers also need to be careful about purchasing products that come from cannabis that has been treated by pesticides. Pesticide residue has been discovered in cannabis products ranging from flower to concentrates to edibles. The danger with pesticide residue is that it can make its way into your bloodstream, increasing the risk of some health problems. With the legal cannabis industry being relatively young, many regulations, including those regarding testing standards, are still being fleshed out. Check to see whether an ISO-certified laboratory has tested any cannabis products you purchase.
If you’re taking other medications, it’s a good idea to consider potential drug interactions. Marijuana may affect blood sugar levels and lower blood pressure, so people taking drugs for diabetes or hypotension should discuss cannabis use with their healthcare professional. Additionally, marijuana may increase the risk of bleeding when taken with other drugs, herbs and supplements that also increase the risk of bleeding.